John A. Bowler Biography

	This biography appears on page 462 in "History of Minnehaha 
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed 
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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BOWLER, JOHN A., was born at North Adams, Mass., April 8, 1861.  He 
removed with his parents to Wisconsin in 1867, where he attended school 
and worked on a farm until 1881.  At that time he was employed as 
salesman by a machinery house for two years, operating in South Dakota 
the second year.  In 1883 went into the farm machinery business on his 
own account at Groton, S. D., in which business he still continues at 
that point.  From 1885-90 served as member of the city council or mayor 
of the city of Groton.  In 1894 was elected chairman of the central 
committee of the Democratic party of South Dakota, and re-elected in 
1898.  In 1896 moved to Sioux Falls, and in April, 1899, was elected 
warden of the South Dakota penitentiary, and assumed the duties of this 
office in May following.  Mr. Bowler is a genial good fellow, a good 
citizen, an astute politician, and has a wide circle of acquaintances.