Charles F. Bower Biography

	This biography appears on page 462 in "History of Minnehaha 
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed 
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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BOWER, CHARLES F., was born in Glidden, Iowa, May 24, 1869; was reared 
on a farm, and educated in the public schools and at the Glidden Normal 
schools, where he was graduated.  In 1884 moved to Walworth county in 
this state, where he worked on a farm, attended and taught school until 
September 9, 1890, when he came to Sioux Falls.  The next three years 
he taught school near Valley Springs, the two next at Ben Clare, then 
at Baltic two years, and in the village of Hartford one year, making 
nine successive years in all of successful teaching in this county.  In 
1898 he was nominated county superintendent of schools by the 
Republican party, and was one of the three persons elected on that 
ticket.  It was a great personal compliment, and can only be attributed 
to the fact that he was popular among the teachers with whom he had 
been associated for nine years in educational work.  He is genial and 
companionable, and is faithfully performing the duties of his office.