Charles Vassar Booth Biography

	This biography appears on pages 452, 455 in "History of Minnehaha 
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed 
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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BOOTH, CHARLES VASSAR, was born in Poughkeepsie, New York, September 
12, 1833.  When twelve years of age he moved to New York City with his 
mother, where he received a common school education; studied with an 
architect about three years, and then served as an apprentice with a 
carpenter.  When twenty-one years of age he moved to Brooklyn, and 
followed the business of architect and builder for awhile, and then was 
employed in the Brooklyn navy yard until 1863.  He was a member of the 
47th New York State National Guard, which regiment was for a short time 
in 1863, in the United States service.  When his regiment was mustered 
out he resumed work in the navy yard.  In 1866 moved to Red Wing, Minn. 
and in partnership with his brother Richard H. Booth was engaged as 
architect and builder until the spring of 1870, when he removed to 
Sioux City and engaged in the same business for one year.  In the fall 
of 1871, came to Sioux Falls, where he has since resided.  He took up a 
homestead about two miles east of the city, but continued to work at 
his trade until 1880, when he went into the undertaking business, which 
he has since followed.  Mr. Booth enjoys the distinction of being the 
first class-leader in the Methodist church in this county.  He has been 
elected coroner of the county three times, and makes a good official.  
He is an upright business man, and a respected citizen.