Rev. Nils N. Boe Biography

	This biography appears on pages 452, 453 in "History of Minnehaha 
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed 
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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BOE, REV. NILS N., is a native of Norway, and was born April 1, 1863.  
He emigrated to the United States with his parents and located in 
Minnesota in 1868.  He was reared on a farm, and during his youth 
attended the common schools.  In 1879, entered St. Olaf's Academy, 
where he graduated in 1882; then took a four years' course in Luther 
College, Decorah, Iowa, and graduated from that institution in 1886. In 
the fall of that year entered the Lutheran Theological Seminary at 
Madison, Wisconsin, and when that institution was removed to 
Minneapolis, Minnesota, in 1888, went there and completed his course, 
graduating in 1889.  In August of that year he accepted a call from the 
mission committee of the Norwegian Lutheran Synod to go to Montana and 
do mission work for the Lutheran Church.  He was the first Scandinavian 
Lutheran minister in Montana, and built the first Scandinavian Lutheran 
church in the state at Helena, where he made his headquarters.  He also 
organized congregations in Great Falls and Sand Coulee, and remained in 
Montana until in 1892, when he received a call from  the Lutheran 
congregations in Sioux Falls, Brandon and Springdale to become their 
pastor. He accepted at once, and came to Sioux Falls the latter part of 
March, 1892, where he has since remained.  He is a indefatigable 
worker, and a good pastor.  He holds services once in two weeks at 
Brandon and Springdale, and in Sioux Falls every Sunday, either morning 
or evening and sometimes both morning and evening in addition to his 
Brandon or Springdale services.