Frederick William Blomiley Biography

	This biography appears on page 451 in "History of Minnehaha 
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed 
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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BLOMILEY, FREDERICK WILLIAM, was born in La Grange, Walworth county, 
Wisconsin, August 3, 1849.  He was reared on a farm, and attended the 
common schools, and for a short time an academy. Before he was twenty-
two years of age, he was elected town treasurer of La Grange, and held 
this office six years.  During this time he was in poor health, but 
studied medicine when able.  He was then elected treasurer of Walworth 
county, and held this office six years. During this time he turned his 
attention to dentistry, and was graduated from the Indiana Dental 
College, and practiced his profession at Elkhorn, Wis., one year.  On 
the l7th day of January, 1883 he located at Sioux Falls, where he has 
since resided.  Other dentists have come and gone since he opened his 
dental office in Sioux Falls, but he remains, and is recognized as one 
of the leading dentists in the state.  Dr. Blomiley is a highly 
respected citizen.