John Harley Jenkins Black Biography

	This biography appears on page 448 in "History of Minnehaha 
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed 
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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BLACK, JOHN HARLEY JENKINS, was born in Henry county, Indiana, 
September 5, 1866, and attended school until he was fourteen years old.  
At that time he removed to LeMars, Iowa, and commenced his 
apprenticeship at the printer's trade, and since then has engaged in 
the printing business. On the 15th day of October, 1889, he came to 
Sioux Falls and entered the employ of Brown & Saenger, and remained 
with them one year.  He was then engaged by Wm. A. Beach in his 
printing establishment, where he has remained and is its foreman.  Mr. 
Black is very prominent in labor circles, and takes an active part in 
local politics.  In 1898 he was nominated by the Republican party for 
member of the house of representatives of the state legislature. He 
made an active campaign and did some good work, but it was not a 
Republican year in Minnehaha county, and together with his associates 
upon the ticket he was defeated. Mr. Black is a good citizen, and 
highly esteemed by all who know him.