Samuel M. Bear Biography

	This biography appears on page 442 in "History of Minnehaha 
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed 
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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BEAR, SAMUEL M., was born at Fostoria, Ohio, March 9, 1857. When three 
years of age he removed with his parents to Olmstead county, Minnesota. 
He worked on a farm, attended common schools and graduated from 
Chatfield Academy, at Chatfield, Minn.  He then worked as clerk in a 
dry goods store at Austin, Minn., for six years, after which he removed 
to Sioux Falls, where he arrived January 29, 1879, and has since 
remained.  He engaged in the book and stationery business with E. S. 
Ireland, under the firm name of S. M. Bear & Co.  In the spring of 
1883, the firm was dissolved, and Mr. Bear continued in the business a 
few months alone, when the firm of Emerson & Bear was formed, which 
continued business until 1898. Mr. Bear has been manager of the theatre 
business in Sioux Falls for fifteen years.  He is a genial, good 
fellow, a good citizen, and has a host of friends.