Henry M. Avery Biography

	This biography appears on page 435 in "History of Minnehaha 
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed 
	and edited by Joy Fisher, http://www.rootsweb.com/~archreg/vols/00001.html#0000031

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AVERY, HENRY, M., was born at Newbury, Vermont, February 2, 1849. He 
removed with his parents to Walworth county, Wis., in 1857; was raised 
on a farm, attended public schools, and was a student at Beloit college 
for some time. When he attained his majority he removed to Jackson, 
Minn., and started a newspaper called the Jackson Republic, and was its 
editor and publisher for five years. He then sold out the paper, and 
engaged in the mercantile business at the same place. In 1881, he 
removed to this county, and located in Sioux Falls on the 22d day of 
August. He was appointed deputy clerk of the courts of Minnehaha 
county, and held this position until 1888.  Upon his arrival in Sioux 
Falls he purchased the abstract business of Charles Webber, and has 
continued that business since then.  In 1892 it was incorporated under 
the name of the Sioux Falls Abstract and Title Insurance Company, with 
a capital stock of $50,000.00.  In March, 1898, the name of this 
corporation was changed to the Sioux Pails Abstract Company, and Mr. 
Avery and wife own the majority of the stock. He has been a member of 
the Sioux Falls Fire Department fourteen years, and was its chief four 
years. Mr. Avery is one of Sioux Falls most energetic citizens, and an 
enthusiastic supporter of any project calculated to promote the 
prosperity of the city.