Harrison-Monona County IA Archives Obituaries.....Paseka, MIldred Marie McHugh February 25, 191
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Carolyn Jarvey iandaz@cox.net October 17, 2009, 12:00 pm


	Mildred Marie Paseka, 75, Onawa, Iowa, died Monday, February 25, 1991, 
at Burgess Memorial Hospital in Onawa, Iowa.
	She was born March 27, 1915, at Pisgah, Iowa, the daughter of 
Cornelius and Elizabeth (Wakehouse) McHugh.   On August 31, 1944, she married 
James A. Paseka at Blencoe, Iowa.   He passed away  January 8, 1978, at 
	She is survived by her son, Ron and his wife, Marilyn, of Onawa, one 
brother, Clifford McHugh of Mondamin,, Iowa five sisters, Lucy Perry of 
Mondamin, Iowa, Mrs. Voyne (Mabel) Harris of Blair, Neb., Alicia Mahoney of 
Council Bluffs, Iowa, Cleta McHugh of Denison, and Mrs. Clarence (Theresa) 
Topf of Dow City, Iowa, and three grandchildren, Nicole, Joshua, and Shannon.
	She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband, and one 
brother, Lawrence.

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