Twiggs County GaArchives Obituaries.....Fowler, Ara Lou Floyd 1968 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jim Carroll October 15, 2008, 7:09 am The Macon Telegraph 6-6-1968 Page 16 Mrs. Ara Fowler COCHRAN---Funeral services for Mrs. Ara Lou Fowler, 57, of 933 Highland Terrace, Macon, will be held at 3PM Friday in Mount Zion Baptist Church. The Rev. Lamar Williams and Elder M. E. Temples will officiate. Mrs. Fowler died Wednesday afternoon in Macon hospital after a short illness. Mrs. Fowler was a native of Twiggs County. She had lived in Macon for the past 25 years and was employed by the Bibb Manufacturing Company. Survivors include a son; Riley Fowler of Macon; six daughters, Mrs. Floyd Hunnicutt, Mrs. Van Carroll and Mrs. Barbara Young, all of Macon, Mrs. Wesley Watkins of Gordon, Mrs. Joe Little of Danville, Mrs. Becky Rogers of Shelby, NC, ; 21 grandchildren; one great-grandchild; one brother, George Floyd of Montrose; five sisters, Mrs. Rommie Odom and Mrs. Clarence Hunnicutt, both of Macon, Mrs. J. T. Wimberly of Danville, Mrs. Reese Floyd of Jeffersonville, Mrs. Need Lucas of Cochran. The body will be at the home of Mrs. Joe Little, Rt. 1, Danville, until the time of the service. Fisher Funeral Home has charge of arrangements. Additional Comments: Ara Lou (maiden name Floyd) Fowler was born 12-25-1910 and died 6-5-1968 (GA DC#018073) and is buried in Mount Zion Cemetery in Twiggs County. Her husband, Riley Fowler Sr., is also buried there. Her father, William Thomas "Tobe" Floyd is buried in Lucy Chapel Cemetery in Twiggs County. Her mother, Mary Susie Arnold Floyd is buried in Cool Springs Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery in Twiggs County. This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.1 Kb