Wilcox-Twiggs-Bleckley County GaArchives Obituaries.....Dennard, Hon. Joe J. July 3, 1914 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: M Sgt Robert K. Nobles, Jr. http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00005.html#0001076 January 16, 2012, 2:37 pm WILCOX COUNTY, GEORGIA, NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS, Volume IV., 1912-1916, By: Tad Evans, See Page 264.,, Thursday, July 2, 1914 WILCOX COUNTY, GEORGIA, NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS Volume IV. 1912-1916 By: Tad Evans See Page 264 Thursday, July 2, 1914 HON. J. J. DENNARD OF PINEVIEW DEAD. As we are late getting to press this week, we have learned that Ho. J. J. Dennard died suddenly at his home in Pineview this Friday afternoon. Further information we are unable to obtain. Mr. Dennard was one of Wilcox County's most wealthy and highly esteemed citizens and the new has cast a shadow over the town A more complete account: DEATH CAME SUDDENLY TO JOE J. DENNARD. Well Known Citizen of Wilcox County Dropped Dead From Heart Failure By: J. W. Feagin. Joe J. Dennard, one of the wealthiest citizens of Wilcox County, died very suddenly last Friday, July 3, about 1 o'clock p.m. while sitting in a chair on his piazza reading a newspaper. He suddenly dropped dead from his chair supposedly from heart failure. That very day he had been out attending to some business but shortly after his arrival at home about noon hour death overtook him as stated above. Mr. Dennard was born in 1844, being about 70 years old at his death. His first wife was Annie Mitchell, sister of John Norman and Dr. Mitchell. AS a result of this marriage four children were born, John Dennard, who married R. O. Pate's daughter, Mrs. R. M. Davis , Biloxi, Miss., Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Dora Wooten and Mrs. Edna Perry. Mrs. Dennard's second wife was Miss Fannie Walker, daughter of Dr. Virgil Walker of Cochran, Ga., and as a result of this marriage eleven children were born unto them, ten of whom are living, viz: Joe Walker, Robert Preston, Bertha, Nettie, Clara, Mildred Lee, Ida Evelyn, Charles, Estelle and James Lucas Dennard. Mr. Dennard was a brother of Jim, Tom, Lank and Bob Dennard, and a brother of Mrs. Charles McLeod and Mrs. John Mitchell. Some twenty years ago, or perhaps longer, Mr. Dennard served two terms in the Georgia Legislature and two terms in the Georgia State Senate. Mr. Dennard has a good war record. He joined the Confederate army when quite young, serving through the war with the exception of the time he served in a Yankee prison. He was once or twice wounded in battle. Born in Twiggs County, near Old Richland church, his father John Dennard, moved from there to Wilcox County when the deceased was about nine years of age. Mr. Dennard carried a life policy of ten thousand dollars at his death. He was estimated to be worth anywhere in the neighborhood of $200,000. He was considered to be the biggest land holder and perhaps the richest man in Wilcox County. As a business man he was a success. He has never known to turn away from his gate any industrious man, be he rich or be he poor. They were all alike with Joe Dennard. In his life's habits he was quite plain and simple. He never believed in making nay display of his enormous wealth. A vast number of people were present at Mr. Dennard's funeral. At about 12 o'clock noon the body was placed in the hearse and great crowds began to fall into line slowly on their way to the new cemetery. The funeral cortage was nearly a mile long. The bells of the two little churches soon began to peal out their funeral tones of token to the dead man. Hawkinsville Dispatch and News. Additional Comments: Joe J. Dennard was buried in the Pineview city Cemetery., Pineview., Wilcox County., Georgia. This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/gafiles/ File size: 4.1 Kb