Laurens-Twiggs-Wilkinson County GaArchives Obituaries.....Davis, Ira April 15, 1956
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William J. (Jim) Carroll October 27, 2011, 10:50 am

The Dublin Courier Herald  4-16-1956
                          Davis Funeral Held This PM
 Funeral services were held this afternoon at 2:00 o'clock at the Dudley 
Baptist Church for Ira Davis, 66, retired Dudley farmer who died Sunday 
morning in a local hospital after a long illness. Interment was in the church 
cemetery with Adams Funeral Home in charge of arrangements The Rev. Ted Adions 
of Macon, pastor of the Dudley Baptist Church was the officiating minister.
 Pallbearers  included Warthen T. Chappell, R. L. Hogan, T. C. Bobbitt Sr., 
Tim Bobbitt, Gladstone Jansen, and Charles Fordham.
 Mr. Davis was born and reared in Twiggs County and had lived in the Dudley 
and Montrose community for the past 45 years. He was the son of the late Henry 
Davis and Betty Chance Davis.
 He was a member of the Baptist Church and was married to the former Miss Avy 
 Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Ira Davis; two daughters, Mrs. J. W. 
Passmore and Miss Minnie Lou Davis of Dudley; two grandchildren, Wendell 
Passmore and Miss Annie Mae Passmore of Dudley; one sister, Miss Mary Davis of 
Dudley; and many other relatives.

Additional Comments:
Georgia death certificate #9173

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