Twiggs-Bleckley County GaArchives Obituaries.....Carroll, Mary Allie Fowler Summerday July 6, 1984
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William J. (Jim) Carroll April 22, 2011, 11:20 am

The Macon Telegraph 7-6-1984 Page 4D
                            Mrs. Carroll
 COCHRAN----Mary F. Carroll, 54, died Wednesday in a local hospital. Services 
will be held at 3pm today in Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Twiggs County. Burial 
will be in the church cemetery. The Rev. Bufford Raffield and the Rev. Jeff 
Slaughter will officiate.
 Mrs. Carroll, a native of Twiggs County, had lived in Bleckley County for 
four years. She was a Baptist and the manager of Westgate Dry Cleaners in 
 Survivors include her husband, Van David Carroll of Cochran; a daughter, Jane 
Turner of Macon; a stepdaughter, Martha Grimsley of Macon; three sons, Master 
Chief Boatswains's Mate Charles F. Summerday of San Diego, First Class 
Aviation Electrician Jerry P. Summerday of Honolulu, and Phillip Duane 
Summerday of Macon; two stepsons, Van D, Carroll Jr. and Ronald Wayne Carroll, 
both of Macon; five sisters, Jewel Hunnicutt of Macon, Betty Watkins of 
Gordon, Sue Little of Danville, Becky Patterson and Bobbie Payne, both of 
Shelby, NC; a brother, Riley Fowler of Cochran; 16 grandchildren and a great-
 The body will be placed in the church at 2pm today. The family will be at the 
residence of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Little, Route 1, Danville.
 Mathis Funeral Home of Cochran has charge of arrangements.

Additional Comments:
Mary was born 30 Jan 1930 to Riley Fowler Sr. and Ara Lou Floyd Fowler. 
Georgia death certificate #024926.

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