Twiggs County GaArchives Obituaries.....Anderson, Frances   E.  Grimsley 1965
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Jim Carroll August 4, 2008, 10:05 am

Macon Telegraph
John Shine Lucas was born 12-30-1898 and died 7-11-1965 (GA DC# 018763) and is
buried at Lucy Chapel in Twiggs County.

From The Macon Telegraph  7-12-1965 Page 2 
  John S. Lucas

COCHRAN--Funeral services for John Shines Lucas, 66, of Rte. 1, Danville, who
died in a Dublin hospital Sunday following an extended illness, will be held at
3PM in Lucy Chapel Methodist Church in Twiggs County.
The Rev. Arthur Faircloth will officiate, with burial in the church cemetery.
Mr. Lucas, a lifelong resident of Twiggs County was a farmer and a member of the
Mt. Zion Baptist Church.
Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Donnie Sauls Lucas of Danville; three sisters,
Mrs. Gussie Smith and Mrs. Ed Nobles, both of Danville and Mrs. Jubie Sanders of
The body will lie in state at the Fisher Funeral Home in Cochran until 2:30, and
then will be at the church until the funeral hour. The family will be at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones in Cochran.

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