Berrien-Cook County GaArchives Obituaries.....McCall, Lola Bell Bennett August 4, 2010
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Shirley McMillan Durden November 2, 2016, 5:35 pm

The Berrien Press - August 11, 2010
 Lola Bell McCall, 86, of Sparks died Aug. 4, 2010, at Tift Health Care Nursing Ho
 Born January 24, 1924 to the late Ethan and Alice Forte Bennett, she was a m
member of Zion's Hope Church.
 Survivors include son and daughter-in-law, Henry and Gail McCall of Lenox; daught
daughter, Wanda Brown of Sparks; brother, H.C. Cedar Bennett of Vanceville; four s
four sisters, Odell Avery of Leesburg, FL, Alma Castleberry of Cave Springs, GA, Ir
GA, Iretha Luke of Lenox, Athene Exum of Lenox; six grandchildren, Jim and Angel 
Angel Garner, Serrena and Allen Chance, Walter "PeeWee" and Jennifer McCall, Dusty 
Dusty and Donna McCall, Ashton McCall, Josey McCall, Austin Harris, Madison Harris
Harris, Autumn McCall, Justin McCall, Chloe Sexton, Shelby Sexton, Bailey Sexton
Sexton, Matty Hobbs.
 Funeral services were held Aug. 7 at Pine Grove Baptist Church with the Revs. Ted
Ted Graham and Mike Bennett officiating. Musical selections by Steve Brock were 
were "What Will I Leave Behind" and "Look What I Traded." Josh Ridley sang 
sang "What A Day That Will Be.
 Interment followed in the church cemetery.
 Active pallbearers were Nathan McCall, Nicholas McCall, Ashton McCall, Billy Cha
Chance, Joseph Chance, Tyler Chance, Justin McCall.
 Honorary pallbearers were Barry Resta, Brad Bostic, Gary McMillan, Bobby Wi
 Purvis Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.

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