Cook-Berrien County GaArchives Obituaries.....Cornelius, Wallace E. "Bucky" October 9, 2005
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The Berrien Press - Oct. 26, 2005
 Wallace E. "Bucky" Cornelius, 61, of Adel died October 9, 2005 at his 
 Born July 1, 1944 in Lowndes County to the late Ethel Mae Hunter and William 
Henry "Bill" Cornelius, Sr., he was a retired from Weyerhauser and Carterbuilt 
and served as a Lieutenant for 14 years with the Adel FIre Department. He was a 
member of Fellowship Baptist Church.
 Survivors include his wife, Gwen Allen Cornelius of Adel; one son, Scott 
Cornelius of Adel; sister, Donna Cornelius of Adel; brother, William E. "Billy" 
Cornelius, Jr. of Lenox; three grandchildren.
 Funeral services were held Oct. 12 at 11 a.m. at Fellowship Baptist Church  
with Rev. Roscoe Bennett officiating.
 Interment was in long Bridge Cemetery.
 Boone-Lipsey Funeral Home of Adel was in charge of arrangements.

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