Berrien-Lowndes County GaArchives Obituaries.....Schroer, Jon Corn January 16, 2005
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The Berrien Press - January 2005
 Jon Corn Schroer, 91, of Ray City died January 16, 2005 at Louis Smith 
Memorial Hospital in Lakeland.

 Born September 11, 1913 in Valdosta to the late Marion Burton and A.D. Corn 
Sr., she was a life time member of First Christian Church were she was the 
first woman elder. In 1957 she was selected as Valdosta's first Woman of the 
Year. She taught in the Valdosta public schools and at Valdosta State 
University. She assisted her husband in their family business, Schroer Plant 
Farms and Fred Schroer Pecan Farm. She was active in Wymodausis Club and was an 
honorary member of Kappa Delta Sorority and president of the PTA. She was 
married to the late Fred William Schroer, Jr.

 Survivors include three daughters, Joan Ferguson of Spokane, WA, Gretchen 
Bryant of Atlanta, Emily Dacus of Ray City; one son, Fred William Schroer, III 
of Johnstone, RI; one sister, Nel Lawlor of Astoria, NY; 11 grandchildren, 15 

 Funeral services were held January 19 at 11 a.m. at First Christian Church 
with Dr. Milton West officiating.

 Interment was in Sunset Hill Cemetery.

 Carson McLane Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.

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