Echols-Lowndes County GaArchives Obituaries.....Thomas Moses Prescott August 27 1911
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Rose Canon and Mary Wilson January 9, 2004, 5:52 pm

Valdosta Times, 8/28/11
Old and Well-Known Citizen of Echols County died on Sunday

  News of the death of Mr. T.M. Prescott, familiarly and affectionately known 
to his hundreds of friends as "Uncle Babe" Prescott, which occurred at 
Statenville on yesterday afternoon, was received here today.  It is understood 
that Mr. Prescott had not been confined to his bed very long, and few of his 
friends in Valdosta knew that he was sick until the announcement of his death 
was received here.
  Mr. Prescott was between seventy and seventy-five years old, and was one of 
the best known citizens of Echols County.  He was a pioneer in that section.  
For thirty years he has held the office of Justice of the Peace at Statenville 
always unopposed.  He wielded great political influence in his county and was 
always loyal to his part and friends.  His home was open to all and he 
dispensed generous hospitality in the good old Southern way throughout his life.
It is understood that Mr. Prescott's funeral and burial will occur at 
Statenville this afternoon.  Col. W.S. West and Judge J.G. Cranford, of 
Valdosta, went down to attend the burial.

Additional Comments:
Actually he was 68, having been born in 1843.  Survivors included his wife, 
Sallie Boring Prescott; three children, Dr. Jesse P., Dr. Echols W., and Hattie 
Prescott Sharpe; and numerous grandchildren.  He was buried in the family plot 
in Statenville Cemetery.  A brief death notice also appeared in the Atlanta 
Constitution, 8/30/11.

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