Lowndes County GaArchives Obituaries.....General Marion Nelson  December 18 1896
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Lamar Sarratt lsarratt@worldnet.att.net July 9, 2003, 9:47 am

Valdosta Times - December 19, 1896

Mr. Marion Nelson died at his home in this city last night just a little after 
dark. He had been confined to his bed for two weeks, though he had been 
failing in health for several years. Some time ago an attempt to assassinate 
him as he entered the door of his home and, on that occasion, he was knocked 
down and left for dead. He has been failing rapidly since then and it is said 
that the fearful blow he received at that time had much to do with his early 
death. Mr. Nelson was a conspicuous figure in Valdosta and Lowndes County and 
was, at one time, one of the wealthiest men in this section. He owned at the 
time of his death a good deal of property in Valdosta, as well as other parts 
of the county. His death comes as easily as sleep to a child. The funeral 
services were conducted at ten o'clock this morning and the remains were 
interred in the family burial ground a few miles north of Valdosta. He leaves 
a large family of Children, mostly grown up, and many relatives to lament his 

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