Echols-Lowndes-Clinch County GaArchives Obituaries.....Miller, Mariah Prescott July 5, 1899
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Valdosta (GA) Times 15 Jul 1899
Mariah Prescott Miller

Mrs. Mariah Miller, nee Prescott, is dead.  The sweet gentle spirit of this old 
Mother in Israel fell asleep in the arms of Jesus on the 5th inst., at the home 
of one of her daughters, Mrs. George A. Carter, near Lake Park, in the 83rd 
year of her age.  She was a consistent member of the Primitive Baptist Church 
for more than 50 years.  Her gentle Christian spirt was of the highest type and 
to know her was to love her.  She leaves two brothers yet living, Hon. J.P. 
Prescott, of Lake Park and R.T. Prescott, of Valdosta, and also four children 
living, Mrs. G.A. Carter, Mrs. Jefferson Prine, Mrs. Roll Roberts and a son out 
West and a host of relatives to mourn their loss but her eternal gain.  Yes, 
her gentle Christian spirit is now basking in the sunshine of the glory of God, 
where she can forever slake her thirst in the beautiful river and behold the  
beauties of the Celestial City with its beautiful dome frosted with gems and 
sparkling beneath Heaven's sun.  Her remains were entered at the cemetery at 
this place on the 6th inst., in the presence of a large concourse of relatives 
and friends all deeply sympathizing with the bereaved.  The funeral ceremony 
was performed by Mr. T.C. Ham.  J.E. Sharpe.  Statenville, GA., July 8, 1899.

Additional Comments:
Mariah Prescott was a daughter of Moses and Susannah Prescott.  Her first 
husband, Wiley T. Swilley, died in 1847.  They had 4 children.  She remarried 
to James E. Miller and had 3 more children.  The 4 living listed in the 
obituary were Mary Jane Roberts (Mrs. Roland Roberts), Harriet Rebecca Miller 
(Mrs. Robert Jefferson Prine), and Susan Miller (Mrs. George A. Carter).  
The "son out west" may be Irwin Reason Swilley or George Miller, as yet 
undetermined.  The obituary was written by James E. Sharpe, a longtime friend 
of the Prescotts and father-in-law of Mariah's niece, Harriet M. Prescott 

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