Lowndes-Berrien-Dodge County GaArchives Obituaries.....Ernest Carroway Griner October 7 1983
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Helena Shreve ElusiveShreves@yahoo.com February 17, 2004, 8:47 pm

The Valdosta Daily Times

   Ernest C. Griner, born August 28, 1889 in Nashville, Ga., died Friday in a 
local hospital.
   Mr. Griner finished Nashville High in 1907 and Norman Junior College in 
1908, where he played on the baseball team.
   He has been a resident of Valdosta since 1918.
   Mr. Griner taught in the high school system of Georgia for four years and 
then entered the postal service, retiring in 1956 as superintendent of mails.
   He was Worshipful Master of St. Johns the Baptist Lodge in 1929, 1930, 1931, 
1933, and 1943. He has been a member of the First Baptist Church in Valdosta 
since 1920.
   He married Mildred Bailey in Eastman, Ga., Sept. 16, 1916. Mr. Griner had 
been an ardent fisherman and Valdosta Wildcat fan for many years.
   Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mildred Griner of Valdosta; one son, Dr. E. Ray 
Griner, of Atlanta; two daughters, Mrs. Mildred Sage of Bossier City, La.; and 
Mrs. Emily Bonner of Valdosta.
   Mr. Griner has 11 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.
   Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Monday in the chapel of Carson 
McClane Funeral Home. The Rev. James Pitts, pastor of the First Baptist Church, 
will officiate and burial will be held in the Sunset Cemetary.

**From Great-Granddaughter Helena Shreve: Grand died 7 October 1983 at the age 
of 94, missing the date he wanted to get to so badly by just six years**

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