Lowndes-Appling County GaArchives Obituaries.....Fricks, Dorothy Lucille Foskey November 19, 1984
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William J. (Jim) Carroll williamcarrollj@bellsouth.net October 19, 2011, 12:07 pm

The Burlington Times News 11-19-1984
                       Mrs. Dorothy Foskey Fricks
 GRAHAM---Mrs. Dorothy Foskey Fricks, 49, of 1605 Wedgewood Drive, died today 
at 2:15am at Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem after two years of failing 
 A native of Appling County, Ga., she was the daughter of the late Oliver C. 
and Birdie Yates Foskey, and was a retired nurse at the Alamance County Health 
Department. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Graham 
and a member of the T. J. Whitehead Sunday School Class at the church. She was 
a graduate of Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing in Charlotte and the 
University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. She was a member of the N. C. 
Nurses Association, District 10.
 Survivors include one daughter, Miss Jennifer Gayle Fricks of the home; five 
sisters, Mrs. Bob (Betty) Grossman of Tampa, Mrs. Ralph (Ada) Foreman of 
Valdosta, Ga., Mrs. William (Lois) Smith of Palatka, Fla., Mrs. Cadwell (Mary 
Ann) Vaughn of Baxley, Ga., and Mrs. Bert (Jo Anne) Rutland of Lake Park, 
Fla.; and one brother, Richard Foskey of Florida.
 The funeral will be conducted at 2pm Wednesday at the First United Methodist 
Church in Graham by the Rev. James Auman, pastor. Burial will be in Graham 
Memorial Park.
 The body will remain at the Rich and Thompson Funeral Home in Graham until 
placed in the church 30 minutes before the funeral. The family will be at the 
funeral home from 7 until 9 Tuesday evening.
 Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society.

Additional Comments:
Dorothy was born 17 Jun 1935.

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