Lowndes-Echols County GaArchives Obituaries.....Joseph Wesley Boring June 4 1903
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Valdosta Times, Tues. June 9, 1903

Death's Harvest This Week
Mr. Joseph W. Boring Died Last Friday Night
The Remains Buried in the City Cemetery Saturday Afternoon

     Mr. Joseph W. Boring, one of the oldest citizens of the community, died at 
his home on North street last Friday night, after a long illness.
     He had not been in good health in a number of years and for the past nine 
weeks he was confined to his bed.  He was a brother of Dr. Boring, who died a 
few weeks ago.  Both were critically ill at the same time and the death of Mr. 
Joseph Boring was expected even before that of Dr. Boring, but he clung to the 
tender thread of life much longer than seemed possible.
     Mr. Boring was a native of Walton county, Georgia, and had lived in 
Valdosta for about twelve years, coming here from Waldo, Fla.  He was a member 
of the Methodist church and was a deeply religious man.  He was about sixty-
three years of age and leaves a wife and several children, though all of them 
are grown.
     The funeral services were conducted at the city cemetery [Sunset] Saturday 
afternoon by Rev. O.B. Chester, the following gentlemen acting as pallbearers: 
O.M. Smith, A.W. Varnedoe, J.W. Griffin, J.W. Pinkston, D.M. Smith and Ezra 

Additional Comments:
Joseph W. Boring also lived at one time in Echols County and was the brother of 
Sarah Boring Prescott of Statenville.  His wife was the former Sarah Stephens of 
Lowndes County.  She survived him by 19 years and is buried in Waldo, Fla.

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