Grady-Thomas County GaArchives Obituaries.....Alderman, Jennie 1917
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Janet Sumner May 28, 2004, 9:06 pm

The Cairo Messenger, Friday, April 13, 1917
From Thomasville Times Enterprise:

The body of Miss Jennie Alderman was laid to rest Sunday afternoon in the 
family burying ground at Barnett's Creek Baptist Church.

Miss Alderman has been ill for some months and died Saturday afternoon at 5:45 
at the residence of her sister, Mrs. C. M. Robinson, in this city.   Short 
services were held at the residence yesterday morning by Dr. W. M. Harris and 
the body was then taken to Barnett's Creek where the interment was held, the 
ceremonies being conducted by Rev. W. M. Davis of Meigs.

Friends throughout Thomas County will learn of the death of this lovely woman 
with sincere sorrow.  Her sphere of usefulness extended through many avenues of 
good and her life is worthy of the principles which she undertook to live up 
to.  Her consecrated Christian life is an example to all those who have felt 
the influence of her love.

She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. C. M. Robinson of this city and Mrs. A. B. 
Cook of Cairo and two brothers, Mrs. B. A. Alderman of Pine Park and Mr. M. E. 
Alderman of Arkansas.

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