Biography of James Cutts 1843-1929 Sumter County, GA

James William Cutts was born May 27, 1843, Americus, Sumter Co., GA and
died October 23, 1929, Brewton, Escambia Co., AL. He was the son of 
Elijah Cutts and Rebecca Parker.
   In November 1861, James joined the service of the Confederacy at
Americus, Sumter Co., GA in Company I, 9th AL Regiment, State troops and
continued for six months. While in this regiment he served as a Private
under Captain W.T. Adams and Colonel Harrison. He was discharged at
Savannah, GA and returned to Americus, Sumter Co., GA. He then re-enlisted
on May 15, 1862 in Americus, Sumter Co., GA as a privated where he served
under Captain G.N. Petersen and Colonel A.S. Cutts (Allen Sherod Cutts) in
Cutt's Battalion. While in service, James took part in in the following
battles: 2nd Juenarsus, South Irwunter, MD, Sharp's Barg, MD and was also
in Genreal Clanton's Camp Pollard in Pollard, Escambia Co., AL. James
continued until the close of the War and was parolled at Appamattox, VA on
April 12, 1865. On January 18, 1912 at a special ceremony at the Brewton
Collegiate Institute in Brewton, Escambia Co., AL, He received the Cross 
of Honor along with twelve other veterans.
     In approximately 1866, James married Minerva Annie Parker. Her maiden
name may have been Laws according to the death certificate of his son
William Allen Cutts, but her maiden name is listed as Parker on the death
certificate of their son, Dearhal Daniel Cutts. At any rate, she had been
married before and her daughter, Lou McDonald is enumerated with James and
Minerva on the 1880 AL Census Records in Braggs, Lowndes Co., AL. This is
the only time I find Lou listed with the family.
     In 1875, James moved his family from Sumter Co., GA to Braggs, 
Lowndes Co., AL and by 1900 they are located in Brewton, Escambia Co., AL. 
I believe him to have moved to this area along the same time as the 
Holladay and Hawkins families since they were neighbors in Lowndes Co., 
AL. James appears in the Vol. 1, Book 1 of Registered Voters in Escambia 
County in Beat 3, District 6. He registered in 1902 at age 58.  
Descendants of his son, Dearhal Daniel Cutts and his daughter Alice Cutts 
still live in this area today. Other children, with the exception of 
Barney Cutts and step-daughter, Lou McDonald(of which nothing is known) 
and Sallie Cutts (who died as a young wife and mother), moved on to the 
Mobile, AL area (this would include Annie Laura "Lillie" Cutts who 
married Henry Brewton and William Allen Cutts who married Maggie Garrett) 
and settled there.

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	 Archives by:  Lygia Dawkins Cutts