Marion-Sumter County GaArchives Obituaries.....Hogg, W.O. January 22 1914
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The Butler Herald, January 27, 1914
The Butler Herald
Tuesday, January 27, 1914
Page Eight

W.O. Hogg

Americus, Ga., Jan. 23 

W.O. Hogg, formerly of Americus, but during the past several years a resident 
of Quincy, Fla., died in that city yesterday morning.  Intelligence of the 
death of Mr. Hogg was conveyed in telegrams to relatives here, among these 
being one of his six brothers, C.S. Hogg.  The deceased was very much esteemed 
in Americus where a wide circle of friends are saddened by the announcement of 
his death.

Mr. Hogg was thirty-two years of age, a native of Buena Vista, and a member of 
the well known family of that section, his parents having long resided in 
Marion County.

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