Bibb-Sumter County GaArchives Obituaries.....Hinton, Edgar F. September 1900
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The Marion County Patriot, September 21, 1900
The Marion County Patriot
September 21, 1900
Page Two

Mr. Edgar F. Hinton died Sunday morning at the Macon Hospital after an illness
of some length.  Several weeks ago, being in ill health, he left Americus and
went to the home of relatives in Macon, but afterwards was carried to the
Hospital where the best attention could be given him.  For a time he appeared to
improve, but Sunday a change in his condition came about and death soon
resulted.  Mr. Hinton was well known in Americus and at one time was one of the
most prominent members of the local bar.  He was a son of Rev. J.W. Hinton and a
young man of brilliant attainments.  A host of friends regret his untimely
death.  Americus Times Recorder

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