Sumter-Crisp County GaArchives Obituaries.....Maggie Chapman Clegg 1948
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Robert K. Nobles, Jr. December 26, 2003, 6:24 am

The Americus Times Recorder Friday 12 November 1948.
Mrs. Maggie Clegg
     Passes Last Night
     Funeral services for Mrs Maggie Chapman Clegg, wife of the late Perry C. 
Clegg of Cordele, who died last evening at the prather Clinic, were to be held 
at 3 o'cloock this afternoon from the Davis Funeral Chapel.  Dr. L. G. 
Henderson, retired Presbyterian minister and Rev. Harold White, pastor of First 
Prtesbyterian Church here were to officiate,  Interment was to be in Oak Grove 
     Mrs. Clegg was born in Americus and was the daughter of the late Anna 
Taliafero McCrary and J. P. Chapman, pioneers of Sumter County.  She was a 
member of the Cordele Presbbyterian Church, the United Daughters of the 
Confederacy and the Daughters of the American Revolution and formerly held 
state offices in the latter two organizations.  Mrs Clegg resided in Cordele 
until six months ago when she moved to Americus.
    She is survived by two sons, Perry C. Clegg, Jr. of Cordele and Lt. Col. 
Sam Chapman, of Franklin Germany; four sisters Misss Emma Chapman of Americus, 
Mrs. J. E. Johnson, of Lakeland, Fla., Mrs. Dick Cooper of Birmingham and Mrs 
Louise Chapman Coman of this ciity, and two brothers, Dr. Charles T. Chapman 
and John Ed Chapman, both of Americus.
     The I. B. Davis Funeral Home was to be in charge of arrangements.

Additional Comments:
This Obituary appeared on two pages the last page 6 said continued from page 
1.  On page 6 the type setter miss placed two lines and I corrected the same. 
On her slab she is identified as Mag Chapman Clegg with one date (date of 
death)  November

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