Colquitt-Sumter County GaArchives Obituaries.....William Ackis  BASS October 3 1949
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Winnette Bass Stinson November 19, 2003, 5:13 pm

Moultrie Observer   October 3rd & 5th 1949 


Moultrie Observer
October 3, 1949

  William A. Bass
  Taken by Death;
  Funeral Tuesday

  Retired Farmer Dies
  At Daughter's Home
  On Moultrie Route 1

   William  A.  Bass, 78-year-old re-
tired farmer, died Monday morning
at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
Freddie Lamb, on Moultrie Route 1.
He  had  been  in ill  health  about
seven months.
  Funeral Service swill be held in 
the Riverside Church of God at 10
a. m. Tuesday, with-the Rev. Regis-
ter,  pastor of the Church of God, 
officiating.  Burial follows in the Pine
View cemetery in Tift county.
   Born  June  4, 1871 in Sumter 
county, Ga., Mr. Bass spent most of 
his life in farming operations.  He
had resided on Moultrie Route 1 for
about five years.
     Death occurred about 7:15 a. m.
Surviving are his wife, the former 
Miss  Dora  Glover  of  Tift  Co.;
two sons, W. W. Bass of Moultrie 
and Joe C.  Bass  of Thomasville, 
Ga.; one  daughter,  Mrs.  Dock  Wil-
liams of Lake City, Fla.; eight step-
sons,  including G. B.Hobbs  of Tif-
ton, Early, Jim, Allen, Frank and
Curtis Hobbs of Orlando, Fla. and
Alvin and S. T. Hobbs of Moultrie;
two  stepdaughters,  Mrs. Freddie 
Lamb of Moultrie Route 1 and Mrs. 
Annie Bass of Orlando, Fla. In ad-
dition, 29 grandchildren and several
great grandchildren survive.


Moultrie Observer
October 5, 1949


     W.  A.  Bass  78, was  laid  to
rest in Pine View cemetery follow-
ing final rites Tuesday morning
from the Riverside Holiness Baptist
     Officiating was Rev. L. Register
pastor of the Riverside church, as-
sisted by the Rev. Charlie Lairsey,
Pallbearers were Dorsey Matthews,Gra-
dy Matthews, James Bass, Leroy Bass,
Junior Bass and Freddie Lamb.
      The  retired  farmer  who  was  born 
in Sumter  county,  Ga.  June  4, 1871 
was  ill  approximately  seven  months
before his death.
      Survivors  include, his  wife the 
former Miss Dora Glover of Tift 
county; two sons,  W.  W.  Bass  of 
Moultrie and Joe C. Bass of Thomas-
ville;  one  daughter,  Mrs.  Dock 
Williams of Lake City.  Also, surviv-
ing  are  eight  step-sons, two  step-
daughters, 29 grandchildren and 
several great grandchildren.

Additional Comments:
W. A. Bass was born one of 3 sons of, Needham "Wesley" Bass and his wife the 
former Amanda M. Parker of Leslie, Sumter Co., GA.  

He 1st married Mittie Tribbles (b June 1868 d Bef. Dec 1901 in FL.)on August 
30, 1890 in Sumter Co., GA. They had the following children:
Bira Lee, Pearl Ethel and Minnie Lee.  
1900 Bradford Co., FL. 
Lake Butler-Precinct #2 Pg. 82 
370/373 Bass William A W Jun 1871 28 m10 GA GA GA
Mittie wife W Jun 1868 31 m10 7 3 GA GA GA
Pearle E. dau W Dec 1891 8 S GA GA GA
Byrd L. son W May 1894 6 S GA GA GA
Minnie L. dau W F July 1899 1 S FL GA GA

2nd married Mattie Martha Jackson (b.1871 Fl. d. 1928 GA) on December 04, 1901 
in Starke, Bradford Co. Ga. They had the following children:
William Wesley, Lois Thelma, Joseph Cameron, Maude Ellen, and Emanuel.

1920 Hillsborough County, FL, volume 20, enumeration district 81, sheet
3, line 25. ----- 
William A. Bass, head of house, age 48, born Georgia,
wife Mattie Bass, age 46, born Florida, 
son William W. Bass, age 16, born Florida, 
daughter Louis F. Bass, age 11, born Florida, 
son Joe C. Bass, age 9, born Florida.
3rd married Dora Glover Hobbs September 25, 1929 in Moultrie, Ga.
No issue from this marriage.

Mr. Bass and Mattie Jackson were the Grandparents of the submitter.

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