Cumberland County NJ Archives Biographies.....DAVIS, Smith August 12, 1834 - aft. 1883
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Cyndie Enfinger December 9, 2007, 1:43 pm

Author: Thos. Cushing, M.D. & Charles E. Sheppard, Esq.  

  Smith Davis is the son of Joel Davis, who came to Deerfield township when a 
boy, and, remaining for a brief time, subsequently removed to Maurice River.  
Here on reaching man's estate he engaged in the business of cutting and 
shipping wood and cultivating the land on which this timber grew.  He was 
married to Priscilla Coombs, of Maurice River township. and had children,-Mary 
(Mrs. Andrew Cassidy), Ruth (Mrs. Simon Woodruff), Esther (Mrs. Elmer 
Douzenbaker), Joshua, John, Joel, Benjamin, David, Jesse, and Smith, of whom 
nine survive.  Mr. Davis added farming to his other profitable occupations, 
and continued to reside in Maurice River until his removal to the residence of 
his son, Smith, in Fairfield township.  his death occurred in Bridgeton, 
February, 1868, in his seventy-fourth year.  Smith Davis was born Aug. 12, 
1834, in Maurice river, where he remained until thirteen, when his removal to 
Fairfield occurred.  Here, with the exception of a brief interval, the 
remaining portion of his life has been spent.  He early developed a taste for 
agricultural employments, and was a tenant of his father until the latter's 
death, when one of his farms became the property of his son by inheritance.  
Here he has continued to cultivate the soil, and makes a specialty of produce 
for a New York and Philadelphia markets.  He is also an extensive dealer in 
fat cattle, which are principally sold for home consumption.  Mr. Davis is 
descended from Whig stock, but now votes the Democratic ticket, though not 
specially interested in the political issues of the day.  The family are 
strongly attached to the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which, with the 
exception of the younger, all are members.  Mr. Davis was married June 18, 
1853, to Frances A., daughter of William Roecap, of Millville.  Their children 
are William, born April 28, 1854, and married to Annie Phillips, of cumberland 
County; Esther, born July 4, 1855 (Mrs. Howard Banford); Mary, born April 22, 
1857 (Mrs. Alexander Williams); Joel, born Aug. 23, 1858, and married to 
Emeline T. Westcott; Edmund P., born April 3, 1860, married Ella C. Banford; 
Leonard C., born July 15, 1862; John, born Sept. 9, 1866; Smith, born March 7, 
1869; and Annie F., whose birth occurred May 21, 1872.

Additional Comments:
Source: History of the counties of Gloucester, Salem, and Cumberland, New 
Jersey, 1883


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