UPSON COUNTY, GA - OBITS   William Thomas Black

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This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb
Archives by: Mary Black Wolfe

Table of Contents page:
Georgia Table of Contents:

Obit for William Thomas BLACK:
"A Devoted Father Dies
In Memory of William 
(Thomas- my daddy had written the Thomas) Black

He was born in Green County  Nov. 17,1831. His
father (Thomas Black)  taking him to Putnam county
in 1833, there he lived until the fall of 1840. (
Thomas BLACK's father Richardson BLACK died at that
time.) Thence he came to Upson county where he
remained until the death angel came on the 13th day
of Dec. 1914 and took his spirit to the God that
gave it. While he never connected himself with any
church yet he proved by his everyday life that he
walked with God. He was ever ready to spend and be
spent for the church he loved and served  so
faithfully for a long time as housekeeper. (Bethany
Congrgational Church) He was as much devoted to the
church as any one I ever knew. His home was the
pastor's home and now we have the blessed assurance
that Jesus' home is his home. During the three and
one half years of afflictions he never murmured or
coplained as to his lot.  He so often said to his
loved ones "it wiil all soon be over" Not one time
did I ever hear him ask for any one to wait on him
or assist him in any way during his sickness. He was
the father of 10 children, 5 boys and 5 girls. Two
boys  and three girls preceeded him to the grave, 3
boys and 2 girls are left to mourn. Our loss is his
eternal gain. There are 48 grand-children and 20
great-grand-children. (My father was one of the
grandchildren.) May it ever be our chief desire to
serve the God he served. The funeral was conducted
by the pastor, Rev. W.H. Graham. A loving and
devoted son. Walter S. Black" (my grandfather  was
Water Sidney BLACK SR.) 

All the parenthesis  are mine. They are not in the
obit. I have a picture of William Thomas BLACK on
tin. It became damaged when I tried to copy it. I
have gun that was probably a gun used by William
Thamos BLACK during the Civil War. 

I also have story about Going to Granddy's House
written about Walter Sidney BLACK SR. by his
grandaughter Wilma BLACK RYLE.