UPSON COUNTY, GA - OBITS  Mrs. Achsah A. Andrews

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The Upson Pilot
October 1, 1859
Vol 1 #46

Mrs. Achsah A. Andrews, wife of James Andrews, and
daughter of the late Capt Holloway, died in Upson
County July 29 in the  37th year of her age.  [1859]

She had been a member of the Methodist Church for 22
years. From the time of her conversion until the
close of her life, she had been distinguished for
her uniform piety.  In the relations of daughter,
wife, mother, and mistress, religion was the
controlling element of all her movements. Hers was
no fitful piety, which today shines forth with the
brillancy of the metoer and tomorrow all is dark and
forbidding to the eye of the beholder. Retiring in
nature she was uniformly calm in the felt presence
and power of God. But the closing scene, full of
hope and exultant joy, can never be described.

Her last hour upon earth was one of glorious trimph.
Addressing her husband she said, "I have tried to
cheer and inspire you with the hope of my recovery.
But I can do so no longer. The hour for my departure
has come, but I am ready. Bring my children that
they may receive a mother's blessing.  My servants,
farewell. My husband, farewll. Meet me in heaven".
And with a shout of trimph, she passed away from
earth, to join the angel throng in heaven.

(Burial in Holloway Cemetery)
Achsah M. (Holloway) Andrews
Dec 22, 1822 - July 30, 1859

daughter of Katherine Frances Andrews and Sinclair Holloway.
1850 Census
James Andrews 31
Achsah 27
William E 10
James A 8
Frances 5
Virginia 3
Thomas 1/12 

James Andrews married 2) Bettie Caraway