OBIT: Cloyd Wilson BERGEY, 1919, native of Thompsontown, Juniata County, PA
  Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Judy Banja
  Copyright 2005.  All rights reserved.
  Yard Brakeman Squeezed Between Tank and Door.  Dies an Hour Later
    Cloyd W. Bergey, aged 39, a Pennsy yard brakeman, of 607 Ninth street, was 
  crushed so badly between a tank and the door of the tank shop, in the Altoona 
  Machine shop yard, while his crew was engaged in shifting at 5:15 last 
  evening, that he died in Altoona hospital at 6 p.m.
    Bergey's skull and chest were severely injured.  He suffered a number of 
  fractures, and was hurt internally.  Just how the accident occurred has not 
  been determined definitely, and Deputy Coroner C. C. Rothrock will 
  investigate it today.
    Members of the shifting crew found the brakeman lying unconscious.  The 
  ambulance was summoned to Ninth avenue and Ninth street and the injured man 
  was admitted at 5:30 p.m.  He never rallied, death coming a half hour 
  following his admission.  The body was prepared for burial by Roher & Mauk, 
    Cloyd Wilson Bergey was born June 30, 1879, at Thompsontown, Juniata 
  county.  He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Bergey, of Bellville.  He 
  wedded Miss Bessie Bell, of Juniata, who survives with his parents and three 
  children: Aldine, aged 11; Cleo, aged 9; and Beverly, aged 9 months.  A 
  sister, Mrs. Herbert Stoner, Mifflintown, also survives.
    Since last September, Bergey has worked for the Pennsy as a brakeman.  
  Several years he was employed on the Middle division as a fireman.  He was a 
  member of the Lewistown Aerie, Fraternal Order of Eagles; Winnebago tribe, 
  No. 35, I.O.R.M., this city; Bartenders' Local Union, and the P.R.R. Relief 
  association.  He was formerly employed at the Schmitt House.
    Funeral services will probably be held at his late residence tomorrow 
  evening at 7:30 o'clock.  On Sunday morning, likely at 7:27 a.m. the body 
  will be taken to Mifflintown, for burial.
  Altoona Tribune, Friday, January 17, 1919, page 1