Juniata County PA Archives Obituaries.....ALTER, Hannah Isabelle October 16 1927
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  Anne Stone astone3988@aol.com December 14, 2004, 12:30 am
  Juniata Tribune 20 Oct 1927
  Hannah Isabelle Thompson (Maiden name)
  Juniata Tribune 20 Oct 1927
  Mrs. Belle Thompson Alter, widow of the late D.G. Alter, died at her home on 
  Market Street, Port Royal, Sunday evenng, October 16th, after a lingering 
  illness of several years duration.  She was aged 82 years.  Mrs. Alter was one 
  of the few surviving Volunteer Nurses of the Civil War.  She was a member of 
  the Port Royal Presbyterian Church for many years and always a faithful and 
  earnest worker.  She is survived by her two sons and three daughters, James T. 
  & D. Boyd Alter of New Bloomfield; Mrs. C.K. Comely of Port Royal; Mrs. 
  Persival Hill of Nutley, N.J.; and Mrs. Parker McMeen of Washington D.C.  
  Funeral services were held from her home Wednesday afternoon at 2pm, conducted 
  by her pastor Rev J.L. Robinson, after which internment was made at Church Hill 
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