Luzerne County PA Archives Obituaries.....Rozelle, Anna Margaret Shiber February 17, 1938
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Eugene Shiber January 23, 2011, 10:55 am

Wilkes-Barre Record, February 18, 1938

Fall Fatal to Nonagenarian.

Mrs. Anna Rozelle of 53 Wells Street Sister of Ex-Councilman.

Mrs. Anna Rozelle, 91, sister of former Councilman Charles Shiber, died at 
10:30 yesterday morning at her home, 53 South Wells Street as the result of 
injuries suffered in a fall three weeks ago. Mrs. Rozelle was born at 
Pottsville, September 28, 1846, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles 
Shiber, early settlers of Wyoming Valley. When a small girl her parents moved 
to Shibersville, which is now the Brookside section of this city.

Her father, who died in 1913 at the age of 93, was a prominent contractor. 
He built the first Catholic Church in Wilkes-Barre on South Pennsylvania 
Avenue then Canal Street, for Rev. Father Fitzsimmons, and also erected the 
first edifice for St. Nicholas's parish on South Washington Street. He also 
built churches in other parts of Luzerne County and Schuylkill County. Mrs. 
Rozelle's father was the contractor who tore down the old court house on 
Public Square and used the lumber salvaged to construct a dwelling that is 
still standing at 90 North Washington Street.

Deceased attended school in the old frame Meeting House on Public Square 
and later finished her education at Wyoming Seminary. She was a member of the 
Central Methodist Episcopal Church for 69 years and was the oldest member of 
the congregation. At the time of her death Mrs. Rozelle still had the toys 
which her father made for her when she was a little girl.
Surviving are one brother, Charles C. Shiber; a stepdaughter, Mrs. Jean 
Ellsworth; one stepson, Frank Rozelle; several grandchildren and several 
nieces and nephews. Her husband Joel Rozelle, died two years ago.
The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 3 with internment in the 
Hollenback Cemetery.    

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