Carbon-Luzerne-Northumberland County PA Archives Obituaries.....Laudenslager, Grace Cawley April 25, 1981
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Meredith Laudenslager Rials April 7, 2010, 8:22 pm

Weather Herald, April 1981
Weatherly Herald  April 1981
DEATHS - Mrs. Ray Laudenslager
Mrs. Grace C. Laudenslager, 77, of 31 Eurana Ave., Weatherly, died Saturday 
evening at the Hazleton State General Hospital, where she had been a patient 
since last Wednesday.
Born in Milton, Nov. 13, 1903, she was a daughter of the late R.D. and Mary 
(Swaney) Cawley.
She was a member of Centenary United Methodist Church, Weatherly.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Ray, in 1971.
Surviving are daughters, Mrs. Grady (Meredith Jane) Rials, Lake Charles, La.; 
Mrs. John (Phyllis) Chirgotis, Asheville, N.C.; eight grandchildren, four 
great-grandchildren, and sister, Mrs. Frederick Evans, Milton.
Graveside services were held Tuesday at Weatherly Union Cemetery with the Rev. 
Henry Ziegler, pastor of Centenary Church, officiating.
Memorial contributions can be made to Centenary United Methodist Church, 
The Frank W. Roat Funeral Home, Danville, was in charge of arrangements.

Additional Comments:
Grace Cawley
Born:	Friday, November 13, 1903	Milton, Northumberland County, 
Died:	Saturday, April 25, 1981	Hazleton, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania
Burial:	Apr 28, 1981	Union Cemetery; Weatherly, Carbon County, Pennsylvania

Preceded by Father:
Roney Dobias "R.D." Cawley
Born:	17 Apr 1878	Brandonville, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania
Died:	24 Mar 1960	Hazelton, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 
Burial:	27 Mar 1960	Harmony Cemetery, Milton, Northumberland County, 

And Mother:
Mary Marie Swaney
Born:	13 Apr 1881	Snow Shoe, Centre County, Pennsylvania
Died:	07 Nov 1907	Milton, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania 
Burial:		Harmony Cemetery, Milton, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania

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