Obits: BUTT, Clarence A., 1932 : from Columbia Co, PA

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NAME: P. A. Laubach-Eckrote EMAIL: 
OBIT: Undated [probably September of 1932] 
Newspaper Clipping With No Masthead:

"CLARENCE A. BUTT DIES IN OREGON; Prominent Attorney and Former State Senator

Clarence A. BUTT, prominent attorney and former State Senator of Portland,
Oregon, was claimed by death at 11:00 o'clock on Saturday night after a brief
illness of complications.

Mr. BUTT was a former resident of Jackson township where he was born in 1871.
He was the son of the late Z. A. BUTT and Clara BUTT of town, and brother of
Mr. W. A. BUTT, Mrs. Roy McHENRY and Mrs. F. L. KLASE of town.

Mr. BUTT spent his early youth in this section, graduating from the
Bloomsburg [Normal] School, and later went to the Northern Indiana Law School
at Valparaiso, Ind. He was admitted to the bar and practiced his profession in
Newburg, Oregon, where he resided. He gained the height of success rapidly and
was elected State Senator for two terms and declined to run for a third term.

He was a prominent attorney and active in the civic life of his community
where he served as member of the Chamber of Commerce and was active in the
industrial development in that city. He was a member of the Methodist church
and member of the Masonic Lodge.

Surviving are his wife and two sons, Dr. Dale BUTT, a surgeon in San
Francisco, and Ralph, cashier of the First National Bank of Newberg. Also
surviving is his aged mother, Mrs. Clara BUTT, of town, and one brother,
William A. BUTT, and two sisters, Mrs. Frank KLASE and
Mrs. Roy McHENRY of town, and one grand daughter, Miss Virginia Lou BUTT, 
of Newberg, Oregon.

News of his death was a severe shock to his aged mother. He had planned to
visit her this fall and spend some time here with relatives.

Mr. W. A. BUTT and sister, Mrs. F. L. KLASE, left on Saturday for Newberg,
after receiving a telegram stating he was seriously ill. They reached Newberg
Tuesday evening."

 *** END ***

Newspaper Article: The Benton, PA, Argus; 3 Sep 1932 [written on top]:

"Chief Burgess W. A. BUTT Has Returned From West"

Mr. W. A. BUTT returned home on Monday. He with his sister, Mrs. F. L. KLASE,
of town, were called to Newberg, Oregon, on account of the serious illness of
their brother, the late Hon. Clarence BUTT, and who died while they were en
route. Mrs. KLASE will remain sometime with Mrs. Clarence BUTT.

Mr. BUTT was in Portland, Oregon, and saw the huge parade of the American
Legion at it's [sic] national convention, and you can imagine the length of
the line, as Mr. BUTT said he watched it pass at one point for three hours.

Another event he saw, which is advertised nationally, the annual round-up at
Pendleton, Oregon. This is a real wild west show. He said there were 2800
Indians camped there from three tribes, and all participated, together with
hundreds of cowboys and cowgirls. This big event is run on the same plan as
the annual farmers picnic if there are any profits, they go into improvement
of Pendleton. At night there is a pageant, in which is pictured the old
frontier days. It costs $5.00 admission and grandstand to see both events.

While in Oregon they visited Mr. And Mrs. Frank WOLFE, the latter a sister of
Misses Kathryn and Mae SWARTWOUT, of near town, and also a Mr. LUNGER and family,
formerly of this section, and a brother of the late John LUNGER.

On his way East, Mr. BUTT had six hours in Chicago, and called up Mr. Firman WOOD, 
of town, who invited him to his place of business. This young man has made good,
an is the manager of the large restaurant in the Lauson Y.M.C.A. located at
Chicago avenue and North Dearborn street. This building cost three million
dollors [sic] and the restaurant which is under the sole management of Mr.
WOOD, serves daily 1600 meals. He has charge of both grill room and
cafeteria, both equipped with every late appliance known. Mr. WOOD's brother
James, is in his employ. Three boys of the WOOD family are in Chicago, the
other being Arthur, who has a very reasonable position with the American Car
& Foundry Co." 

*** END *** .