Wills: Abstracts 1789-1834 - Joseph Davis: Delaware Co, PA

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Delaware Co Wills, 1789-1834

DAVIS, JOSEPH, Birmingham Twp.
January 5, 1791 - June 14, 1791.
Son William to have money after the decease of Elizabeth CHADS, 
daughter Perthenia MARSH, daughter Sarah and husband Nathan HAYES, 
daughter Elizabeth BALDWIN and Amey DAVIS daughter of Elizabeth. Sons 
Joseph and Benjamin plantation bounded by land of Joseph PYLE, Edward 
SIMONSON, Micaijah SPEAKMAN and Elizabeth CHADDS and on west by 
Brandiwine Creek, also a lot bounded by the great road near CHADE'S 
Ford, westward by land of Elizabeth CHADS, eastward by Micaijah 
SPEEKMAN to be equally divided between them both in quantity and value. 
All obligatory writings against my three sons to be null and void. 
Bequeaths to Amey DAVIS (for some years his housekeeper) various pieces 
of furniture such as six pillow cases, six pewter porringers, a big and 
little spinning wheel, a real, a warming pan and frying pan, 
considerable stock and provision.
Wits: Margaret DAVIS and William WEST.
Exrs: Benjamin DAVIS, Joseph DAVIS and Nathan HAYES.
Wits: Amos CHANDLER, William HARVEY, Jr. and William WEST. #24.