Obits:  Campbell, Mary Gaynell Stonebraker, Indiana Co 

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MRS. MARY GAYNELL CAMPBELL, of Indiana R.D. 3, died Friday, January 11,
1963, in Indiana Hospital.

She was born December 6, 1896, in White Township, Indiana County, a daughter
of Henry and Anna Stonebraker, and had lived her entire life in the Indiana
area. She was a member of Calvary U.P. Church, Indiana; the Indiana Grange,
and the Historical Society.

She is survived by her husband, John, and two daughters, Mrs. Monroe (Mary)
Lewis of Imperial, and Mrs. Robert (Margaret) Blosser of Indiana, PA. Two
sisters, Mrs. Elder Groft of Indiana, R.D. 3 and Mrs. Clara Underwood of
Seward also survive. There are five grandchildren.

Friends will be received at the Richard T. Bell Funeral Home, Indiana, from
7-8 pm today and 3-4 and 7-9 Saturday. Services will be held there on
Sunday, January 13, at 1:30 pm by the Rev. Merle Porter of Calvary U.P.
Church and interment will follow in Oakland Cemetery.