Indiana County PA Archives Obituaries.....Bothell, Daniel C April 19, 1934
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Rosalie Sommer March 30, 2007, 8:44 pm

The Indiana Progress, Indiana, Pennsylvania April 25, 1934
Funeral services were conducted on Saturday afternoon in the Plum Creek United 
Presbyterian church, near Willet, followed by interment in the Harmony Grove 
cemetery, for Daniel C. BOTHELL, a life-long and esteemed resident of 
Washington township who died on Thursday at the Indiana hospital from a 
complication of diseases. The deceased who was born July 26, 1863, was a 
plasterer and followed this occupation during the majority of his active 
years. He held membership with the Plum Creek United Presbyterian church and 
his pastor, Rev Samuel W. Shane, of town, had charge of the funeral services.
     His first wife who was formerly Miss Hutoca SHAFFER, died 21 years ago. 
His second wife and these children survive: 
Mrs. Zelma BYERS and 
Mrs. Mazie LINGENFELTER, of Indiana;
Victor BOTHELL, of Marion Center;
Mrs. Laura LINGENFELTER, of Dayton
Elkin BOTHELL, of Sagamore;
Theodore BOTHELL, of Wilkinsburg;
Mrs. Virginia STUCHELL and
Sarah Jean BOTHELL, of Acola, Texas, and 
Dean BOTHELL, of Cowles, New Mexico.
He also leaves 11 grandchildren, six step-children and three step-

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