Indiana County PA Archives Obituaries.....Bothell, Katherine Smith September 17, 1927
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Rosalie Sommer March 30, 2007, 9:07 pm

The Davenport Democrat And Leader, Davenport, Iowa Sept 19, 1927 Monday Evening
Mrs. BOTHELL Summoned.
Funeral services for Mrs. Katherine SMITH BOTHELL, 83, a pioneer resident of 
this county, were held here this afternoon. Mrs. BOTHELL died Saturday.
   She was born in Prussia, Germany, in 1844 and came to America with her 
parents when she was eight years old. She was married to Daniel BOTHELL in 
1863 and they moved to a farm in Johnson county In 1873. For the last 21 years 
she has made her home in Iowa City. Her husband died 11 years ago.
She is survived by four children, John, Addlow and Norwood and Mrs. Frank 
LORD, all of Johnson county. 

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