Vitals: Obits: Bolog, Charles Jr., Indiana Co 

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Reprinted through the courtesy of the Indiana Gazette

Charles Bolog

  Charles Bolog Jr., 77, of Aurora,
Ohio, formerly of Heilwood, died
Saturday, Jan. 24, 1998.
 The son of Charles Bolog Sr. and 
Anne Valkovich Bolog, he was born
Dec. 21, 1920, in Heilwood.
  Mr. Bolog was a verteran of the
U.S. Army, having served in World
War II.
  He was employed by the Fisher
Body plant in Cleveland until his
retirement in 1983 after 34 years of
service.  After his retirement he was
an employee and a member of the 
Senior Citizen Center in Eastlake,
  Suriviving are two sons: James of 
Concord Township, Ohio, and Rich-
ared and his wife, Judy, of Mentor,
Ohio; one daughter, Karen, and her
husband, Fred Kame, of Aurora,
Ohio; five grandchildren; and two
sisters, Mary Morocco and Anna
Betsa, both of Clymer.
  He was preceded in death by his 
parents and one brother, Michael.
  Memeorial services were held in 
Aurora, Ohio, with Rev. John
Sykes of the Aurora Roman Catholic
Church officiating.