Obits:  Bence, Homer Burton, Indiana Co 

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HOMER BURTON BENCE, 76, of College Lodge Road, Indiana RD 2, died Sunday,

August 12, 1984, at his home.

A son of Charles and Hulda Steffy Bence, he was born Dec. 2, 1907, at


Mr. Bence had lived in Vandergrift for 43 years before moving to Indiana in

1968. He was associated with the United States Steel Corp. in Vandergrift.

Surviving are his wife, Viola M. Stuchell Bence; two sons, Clinton F. of

Oklahoma, PA., and Donald C. of Natrona Heights; a daughter, Mrs. Leslie

(Marjorie) Burns of Kittanning; nine grandchildren; seven

great-grandchildren; three brothers: Roy Bence of Apollo, Carl Bence of West

Mifflin, Blair Bence of Indiana; and a sister, Mrs. Les (Dorothy) Turner of


He was preceded in death by his parents and a brother, Ronald Bence.

Friends will be received from 2-4 and 7-9 Tuesday at Robinson-Lytle's,

Indiana, where services will be held at 11 am Wednesday. Rev. Wayne Stone

will officiate and interment will be in Oakland Cemetery, Indiana.