Obits:  Bence, Elizabeth (Bess) Barbor, Indiana Co 

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MRS. BESS E. BARBOR BENCE, wife of Charles L. Bence of 472 Locust Street,

Indiana, PA. passed away Tuesday, August 31  (1954) in the Indiana Hospital.

Born July 22, 1892 in Greene TWP., Indiana Co., PA., she resided in Burnside

a number of years before coming to Indiana 25 years ago. Mrs. Bence was a

member of the Zion Lutheran Church and several Church organizations, of the

Degree of Honor and Indiana Grange 1656, Indiana, PA

She is survived by her husband, tow sons, two daughters, 11 grandchildren,

two brothers and three sisters.

Friends will be received Thursday between the hours of 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm

at Robinson's, 36 N. 7th Street, Indiana, PA. where services will be

conducted Friday, September 3 at 3:00 P.M. (DST) by the Rev. Arthur J.

Pfohl. Interment Oakland Cemetery, Indiana, PA.





     w/o Charles L (from Indiana, d. 31 Aug. 1954)



