Vitals: Obits: Bell, George, Indiana Co 

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Reprinted through the courtesy of the Indiana Gazette

George Bell

  George E. Bell, 80, Indiana, died
Feb. 8, 1998, at St. Andrew's Village.
  The son of Clarence B. and Edna
M. Miller Bell, he was born Dec. 23,
1917, in White Township.
  Mr. Bell loved his entire life in the
Indiana area, where he worked as a 
supply clerk at the National Mine
Service Co. He attended Wesleyan
Methodist Church, and was a mem-
ber of the Indiana VFW 1989 and the
Indiana American Legion Post 141.
He was a veteran of World War II
and served in the U.S. Army.
  Survivors include his wife, Ruth
N. Henry Bell, whom he married in 
1944; one son, Thomas, Indiana; one
sister, Martha Coleman, North Car-
olina; and a number of nieces and
  He was preceded in death by his
parents and one brother, Dale A.
  There will be no visitation. A
graveside service will be held at 9:45
a.m. Tuesday at Oakland Cemetery,
Indiana, with Rev. Reid S.
Blystone officiating. Robinson-
Lytle's, Indiana, is in charge of 
  Memorial contibutions can by 
made to the VNA/Hospice Founda-
tion Inc., 119 Professional Center,
Suite 303, 1265 Wayne Ave., Indiana,
Pa., 15701.