Vitals:  Obits:  Beatty, Aletha Belle, Indiana Co, PA

SUBMITTER: Donald Beatty
DATE: May 26, 1999

BEATTY, Aletha Belle Published Oct. 4, 1953

Aletha Belle Beatty, of 509 North Fifth Street, passed away Sunday morning
2:15 at the Indiana Memorial Hospital, where she had been admitted several
hours earlier.
Miss Beatty had been in failing health for several months.

The daughter of Harry E. and Nora Adams Beatty, she was born December 30,
1902 in Indiana, Pa., and has spent her entire life here, having been associated
with the
J.M. Stewart Hardware Conpany for many years.

Miss Beatty was a member of the First Presbyterian Church, the Naomi Bible
Class, the Marie Woodward Missionary Society, and the Queen Esther Court
No. 123,
Order of the Amaranth, Indiana.. A devout Christian, she was very active
in the
organizations of the church, as long as her health permitted.

Surviving are her mother of 509 North Fifth Street, a sister Mrs. Carl
( Meredith )
Paul, of Indiana, and two brothers, Walter E. and Reed I. Beatty, both
of Indiana

Friends will be received at Robinsons, 36 North Seventh Street, where services
will be conducted Tuesday, Oct. 6 at 2 PM by her pastor, the Rev. Harry
Burton Boyd.
Interment in Oakland Cemetery.

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