Westmoreland County PA Archives Obituaries.....Best, Lulu Harman May 17, 1933
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Donald Buncie lostinjersey@hotmail.com November 29, 2021, 2:09 pm

Latrobe Bulletin (Latrobe, Pennsylvania) · 19 May 1933 
Mrs. Lulu Harman Best, formerly of Latrobe and Youngstown, 
Pa., died at her home on Seventh Street, Oakmont, Wednesday 
night, of a lingering illness. She was the daughter of I. C. 
Kelly, who survives together with her husband William Best, 
and the following children: Harry Harman of Uniontown; Mrs. 
Charlotte Zogg of Oakmont; and Byron Harman at home. Funeral 
services will be held at her late residence Saturday 
afternoon. Interment will be made in a Pittsburgh cemetery.

Additional Comments:
Burial: Plum Creek Cemetery, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania

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