Obits: Mrs. Rebecca Harrison Baird, 1907, Westmoreland Co, PA

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This obituary appeared in the Tribune (no further details on which Tribune) 
on 7/2/1907. 

Lamp Mrs.Baird carried Broke when she fell
Burned from her body and flesh roasted
In three hours the unfortunate victim was dead, after having suffered 
terrible agony--accident occurred while woman was preparing breakfast for 
her husband.

Special to the Tribune

Bolvar, July 2---Mrs. Joseph A. Baird of West Bolivar, aged sixty years was 
burned so badly at 5 o'clock this morning that she died three hours after 
suffering terrible agony.

Mrs. Baird had arisen as usual at an early hour in order to prepare breakfast 
for her husband, who is employed in the mines, and carried a lamp to the 
cellar. In descending the cellar stairs, she tripped and fell, the lamp 
breaking and setting fire to the oil which communicated to her clothing.
Mr. Baird was still in bed when the accident occurred, and heard the moans of 
his wife, who had ascended to the first floor. He hurried down the stairs, 
but every bit of clothing had been burned from his wife's body and the flesh 
was black in places. Death relieved her agony at ___ o'clock. 

Mrs. Baird was Miss Rebecca Henderson before her marriage and was a native of 
Indiana County. She had resided in Bolivar for the last twenty or 
twenty-five years and had a lot of friends in that community. Besides her 
husband she is survived by two sons, Henderson and Andrew, and by an adopted 
daughter, Mrs. William Garland.

NOTE: The adopted child, Mrs. William Garland, was my grandmother. This newspaper 
clipping was sent to me by a Lichtenfels-Garland cousin, one of her great-grandchildren. 
The house mentioned in this article is 
still owned by a Garland relative.