Payette County ID Archives Obituaries.....Van Auken, Edna Blanche 1959
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Independent Enterprise 5-21-1959
Independent Enterprise
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, May 21, 1959
Payette Woman Dies In Wreck
Mrs. Edna Blanche Van Auken, 64, of Payette died Tuesday in Ogallala, Nebraska 
as a result of injuries received in an automobile accident.
Her husband Alfred R. Van Auken was with her at the time of the accident and 
is in a hospital at Ogllala, according to members of the family, who report 
his condition as apparently satisfactory.
The accident occurred while the Van Aukens were on a vacation trip.  They left 
Wheatland, Wyoming, where Mrs. Van Augken's mother resides early Tuesday 
morning and were traveling east on Highway 30.
The accident occurred at the spot where the Oregon Centennial wagon train had 
stopped for lunch.  State police said the Van Auken car smashed into the rear 
of the car ahead which had slowed to look at the train.  The Van Auken car 
then swerved into a westbound auto and then rammed into a parked car.
Mrs. Van Auken was born September 30, 1894 and was married in 1919 at 
Wheatland.  The Van Aukens came from Wheatland to Payette in 1936 and have 
lived here since that time.
Besides her husband she is survived by four daughters, three sons, 24 
grandchildren, a sister and her mother.
Services will be announced by the Shaffer memory Chapel of Payette.

Note:  Riverside Cemetery, Payette ch

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