Payette County ID Archives Obituaries.....Barnett, Anna Maude 1963
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Patty Theurer January 10, 2006, 1:59 am

Independent Enterprise
Independent Enterprise
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, May 2, 1963

Mrs. Barnett Succumbs at 78

Mrs. Anna Maude Welsh Barnett, 78, of Payette died in a local nursing home 
Saturday night following a long illness.  She was born in Decautr County, 
Kansass, April 25, 1885 and was married to Miry L. Barnett, Feb. 17, 1909, at 
Oberlin, Kan.

The couple moved to Payette 25 years ago from Danbury, Neb.  Mrs. Barnett was a 
member of the First Baptist church.

She is survived by her husband of Payette; two sons, Harry of Boise and Ronald 
Barnett of Payette; one daughter, Mrs. Mary Fields of Lewiston; four brothers, 
John Welsh of Payette, Charles and George of Olympia, Wn., and Nathaniel Welsh 
of Danbury; eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild.  Three brothers and a 
sister preceded her in death.   

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